Education Intern
Description: This MASS MoCA Kidspace intern documents the socioemotional learning comments of North Adams elementary students, while they experience an art tour of Sally Taylor’s Come to Your Senses exhibition. The art tours are a key component of the education department’s Art 4 Change initiative. This documentation focuses on the theme of problem-solving and focuses on highlighting the ways that children learn how to problem solve through art education and creative thinking.

As the education intern for Kidspace, I have had the opportunity to see children’s creativity nurtured by education through the documentation I have conducted thus far. It is interesting to hear the insightful and creative thoughts of children when faced with a problem, and how their learning experience is enhanced by being exposed to art integrated education.
“I have had the opportunity to see children’s creativity nurtured by education through the documentation I have conducted.”
A successful career, and a loving marriage, and remain thankful for that blessing.