Internship Position: Turrell Gallery Attendant
Description: The Turrell Gallery Attendant reports to the Director of Education and the Curator of Kidspace. Their responsibilities include: greeting and orienting individual visitors and groups to the installations, controlling visitor flow into the spaces (especially the Ganzfeld and Dark Space installations), and ensuring efficient crowd control and line management. Gallery attendants also oversee the wait list application for the Ganzfeld and Dark Space installations, work to deliver excellent customer service in a responsive manner, ensure easy and safe entrance and exit to the installations, and provide information and helping visitors engage with the work.
Review: As a gallery attendant, I get hands on experience to work with patrons face to face. We engage in conversations about the art work, and even our own lives. We create a friendly environment that makes the patrons feel welcome and guarantees future visits from them. It is a learning process every step of the way. I learn more and more about the art work each day, and how our system can be improved in order to maximize patron satisfaction. The team works really well together. We are always brainstorming new ideas, giving out suggestions, and we are in constant communication so everyone is up to date to new changes.
Your mind, and your stomach, because you don’t just live in a world but a world lives in you.